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100 Candle Ideas

Bir Kez Daha Yalınlıktan Hoşlananlar İçin…

For Those Who Like Simplicity

In the past, the candle was just a tool we bought from the grocery store when the electricity was cut off. The minute we have the electricity, we choked it somewhere we would never remember. However, we see that it is possible to create a simple and elegant decoration even from the simplest form ...
Cupcake Mum İsteyenler İçin

For Cupcake Candle Lovers

Delicious look of cupcake shaped candles continues to attract everyone … If you want these exquisite candles to your home, click! to join Tay Mum’s Cupcake Candle Gift Lottery!
Farklı Malzemelerle Mum Giydirme

Dressing Candles With Different Materials

If you can’t stop looking for decorative and interesting ways to dress candles, try this. Covered with Epsom Salt, known as English salt, the jar disperses the candle’s light homogeneously and mystically. Salt-coated appearance of the jars is beautiful … English salt is actually a mineral that is...